OCDS Questions and Answers

To ask a question please send an email to any of the OCDS Provincial Council members of the California-Arizona Province of St. Joseph. They are listed on our website in the contacts http://www.ocds.info/.

May 29, 2010

Help for a Blind Member

Q – One community has a blind person in formation and wonders what is available to help them.

A – I would like to offer the idea that here is a ready-made apostolate for members of that community. Would it be possible to record books and articles on tape? It will benefit this member and, who knows, countless others who may be in a similar situation. (An OCDS Community in St. Louis does Pod Casts).

The Constitutions and Statutes are new, and many of the Definitively Professed members were professed years ago, and have never read them, so we need to give them a chance in their class to read and learn about them. You really need to do something for them, so they are not left behind.

We cannot read our legislative documents enough, we can’t pray them enough, and we can’t live them enough. We are looking for support, so certainly something should be done. One of the councilors could take on this responsibility.

In fact, everyone must be responsible for his or her own formation, since we have so little time together.

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